Lindi-Mtwara Sesame Project


Lindi-Mtwara Sesame Project

The Lindi-Mtwara Sesame Project, stands as a testament to the impact of collaboration and innovation on local farming communities. This initiative, a joint effort involving EFF, the Aga Khan Foundation, Naliendale Agricultural Research Institute, and Export Trading Group, has effectively bolstered the production of sesame in Kilwa District, Lindi Region, directly benefiting 1,000 farmers and their families.

The project aspired to elevate both the quality of sesame produced and increase its volumes. By introducing contract farming, farmers gained access to improved seed varieties, received comprehensive training in post-harvest handling tools and technologies, and had an assured market. Quality control concerns were systematically addressed, and the project integrated aggregation coordination and procurement with business training.

The results were nothing short of remarkable. Yields in the targeted project area more than tripled, and households experienced a substantial increase in income, ranging from USD 290 to USD 350. Such success prompted the expansion of the project into the neighbouring Mtwara Region, where farmers produced sesame of superior quality, earning the top grade in Export Trading Group's procurement.

The project's impact on the farmers' income and the improved quality of sesame produced has been truly transformative. Overall, the project has been a success and illustrates how providing farmers with a range of services from good agricultural inputs, to training and the market improves the livelihoods of farmers and their communities.

Agricultural Productivity: Enhance agricultural productivity through sustainable and climate-smart practices, improved access to quality seeds, fertilisers, and modern technologies, and training for small-scale farmers. b. Irrigation and Water Management: Promote water conservation techniques, efficient irrigation systems, and integrated water resource management to ensure a reliable water supply for agriculture. c. Diversification: Encourage crop diversification to enhance food availability and household nutrition by promoting the cultivation of smart food crops and high-value crops for increased income generation. d. Storage and Distribution: Strengthen post-harvest management and improve storage infrastructure to reduce household food losses; and promote efficient aggregation systems for improved inputs distribution and access to markets. e. Market Linkages & Financial Services: Support the establishment or farmer cooperatives/ organisations for effective produce aggregation and market linkages, and provide technical assistance to enable small-scale producers to access domestic and international markets and financial services, fostering income generation and economic growth. f. Skills Training and Capacity Building: Facilitate agronomic training, entrepreneurship development, and business management skills to enhance the capacity of smallholder farmers and communities to generate sustainable incomes.
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