Smart Cashew Project
To support Export Trading Group’s (ETG) Korosho Mozambique Ltd. in strengthening its cashew supply chain through the rehabilitation and planting of cashew trees to increase smallholder farmer income, enhance climate resilience, and develop traceability throughout the value chain.
Nampula province, Mozambique
ETC Group (ETG), Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF), USAID- MSP
ETG - $ 945,000
AATIF - $ 162,000
USAID - MSP $ 400,000
Smart Cashew Project
EFF is supporting Export Trading Group’s (ETG) Korosho Mozambique Ltd. in strengthening its cashew supply chain in Nampula province, Mozambique, through the rehabilitation and planting of cashew trees to increase smallholder farmer income, enhance climate resilience, and develop traceability throughout the value chain.
Stakeholders include the Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF), USAID through the Feed the Future Market Systems Partnerships (MSP) program, the Instituto Nationale de Amendoas, and the Associacao Mocambicana de Promocao do Cooperativismo Moderno, over a period of 2 years spanning from 2023 to 2025.
Central to the initiative is the capacity-building of Korosho Mozambique Ltd.’s resident team through a comprehensive Training of Trainers (ToT) program on sustainable and scalable agricultural practices, and farmer group trainings on cashew production covering topics such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), agroforestry, post-harvest handling, and Rainforest Alliance certification requirements, emphasizing sustainability and environmental stewardship. Climate-smart agricultural practices are also emphasized to mitigate risks and optimize productivity.
Concurrently, the project aims to establish cashew nurseries and demo plots to showcase sustainable farming practices. These collaborative efforts aim to empower local communities, promote sustainable farming techniques, and contribute to Nampula province's economic development. By investing in human capital and knowledge transfer, the project intends to build a resilient agricultural sector capable of thriving amidst environmental challenges and market dynamics.
EFF not only focuses on the nurseries development but also prioritizes farmers’ capacity-building. Through training sessions and workshops, EFF identifies and empowers lead farmers to play key roles in nursery operations and promotes sustainable agricultural techniques among local smallholder farmers, fostering community engagement and ownership.
Aligned with broader partnership goals, EFF aims to enhance climate resilience and increase the income of 5,000 smallholder farmers through these cashew nurseries. By distributing cashew and Chanfuta seedlings and advocating for sustainable practices, EFF supports the cashew sector's growth, soil conservation efforts, and economic empowerment of farmers in the region.